What Do You Think : Executive Level Resume Writing

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” Vince Lombardi


With the current lowering trend in U.S unemployment the rest of 2013 should be coming up roses. This means a lot for you the seeker. It does not matter if you are employed or unemployed, you will still be able to use the information presented in this blog to update your resume. It is time to review your past accomplishments and update your resume according to what we have to offer you. You will be prepared this way to take on a new job, or to have a job search that is artfully crafted to your needs.


Looking for resume advice is like asking for parenting advice, it is everywhere. People are always shouting their two cents, and each person thinks they know what will peak the interest of the hiring person at the company you are applying to . When creating a winning resume be aware that the resume needs to have accomplishments, this is the crux of the entire issue.In fact, most people will agree on this point, a list of accomplishments will open the door. You need to first identify your accomplishments and write them down.


A technique known as PAR the gold standard for resume writing. Par stands for Problem-Action-Result and is a great technique to use when creating you resume. List the situations or problem down on a piece of paper. It should have been one you were involved in that caused a challenge or crises that you had to face. Also you should look at how you solved the problem and how you defined the goals to fix it.


After you have done this look at the items on the list and detail the actions in the case. How did you make money? Did your problem solving abilities help reduce the cost for the company? What ideas did you suggest to get the job done correctly? Remember to take a look at the job description to figure out the best way to craft your resume.


Remember to always identify your actions in each case you have researched. In terms of dollars and percents that is how your actions have been affected which is the bottom line. No matter how hard it might be these exercises are invaluable when it comes to creating a resume that people will actually want to read. It’s extremly important to have a  resume filled with content that cannot be duplicated.


Remember when you are sitting down with the interviewer they will want to explore your answers more in depth. This will include your own ability to masterfully examine the questions once you have answered them yourself on the resume. You need to gratifyingly let the interviewer know you have the ability to continue to be so dynamic and complete the tasks at hand.


Present a recent situation to the interviewer where you had to demonstrate the same skills that the interviewer wanted to have in the person they are looking to hire. Also, know what you were expected and what they expect when answering the questions. Think about what you did, listen to see if they are interested in hearing about what the course of action was that you took in this situation and why you took that approach. The final part of the review of your resume will include the ability for it to concisely tell the results of your actions.